Faculty Board


  • Prof. PhD habil. Ionuț Cristian TOPALĂ

Vice Dean

  • Lect. PhD Cătălin AGHEORGHIESEI

Director of the Physics Department

  • Assoc. Prof. PhD habil. Iordana AȘTEFĂNOAEI

Faculty Council

  • Prof. PhD habil. Ionuț Cristian TOPALĂ
  • Prof. PhD habil. Cristian ENĂCHESCU
  • Prof. PhD habil. Laurențiu STOLERIU
  • Prof. PhD Dan Gheorghe DIMITRIU
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Iordana AȘTEFĂNOAEI
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Sebastian Dumitru POPESCU
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Claudiu COSTIN
  • Lect. PhD Paul GASNER
  • Lect. PhD Cătălin AGHEORGHIESEI
  • Lect. PhD Valentin POHOAȚĂ
  • PhD students Monica MOISUC
  • Stud. Victor DOBRINESCU, bachelor 3
  • Stud. Alexandra HRIȘCU, bachelor 2

Physics Department Council

  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Iordana AȘTEFĂNOAEI
  • Prof. PhD habil. Ionuț Cristian TOPALĂ
  • Prof. PhD habil. Cristian ENĂCHESCU
  • Prof. PhD habil. Laurențiu STOLERIU
  • Lect. PhD Cătălin AGHEORGHIESEI