Director of Doctoral School
Council of Doctoral School
- Prof. PhD Diana-Mihaela MARDARE
- C.S.I PhD Mariana PINTEALĂ – Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Petru Poni Iaşi
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Hab. Mihaela GÎRTAN – Angers University, France
- Prof. PhD Hab. Laurențiu STOLERIU – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iași
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Hab. Claudiu COSTIN – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iași
- PhDc Mihnea-Raoul SANDU
- PhDc Radu-Ștefan ȘTIRBU
Number of PhD students: 41
Number of PhD supervisors: 26
The Doctoral School of Physics is one of the oldest in our university, dating from the beginning of 1920. The research results are well known in the scientific world of Physics, not only by publication in journals with high impact factors, but also by titles and diplomas given to some of the members of our research groups by prestigious universities and institutes from Europe and the United States. The great number of important research grants allowed the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment which constitutes the foundation for the PhD research.
The Faculty of Physics, organizes a three-year program of doctoral training at the end of which participants will defend a doctoral thesis in Physics. The PhD program is addressed to MSc graduate students with remarkable scientific background and strong motivation in conducting research activities.
Study directions in Doctoral School:
- Plasma Physics, Polymer Physics, Optics and Spectroscopy
- Biophysics, Medical Physics, Self-organization
- Physics of Advanced Materials. Nanotechnologies. Applied Physics
- Modeling and Simulation
- Theoretical Physics