Topics for doctoral school admission:
- Intermolecular forces in liquids
- Abe’s model for binary solutions
- Models for ternary solutions (statistical cells model for ternary solutions, Suppan’s model, Bosch-Rosés model)
- Solvent empirical scales (Kamlet-Abboud-Taft scale, Catalán scale, Kosower’s Z-scale, ET(30) and ETN scales)
- Investigating methods in liquids using ultrasound (propagation of ultrasound waves in liquids, Rao’s law, absorption of ultrasound waves in liquids)
- Dorohoi, Fizica stării lichide, Ed. Gama, Iași, 1994;
- Babușcă – Contribuții la studiul interacțiunilor intermoleculare în medii condensate, teză de doctorat, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2017;
- Suppan – Local polarity of solvent mixtures in the field of electronically excited molecules and exciplexes, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans 1 83 (1987) 495-509;
- Bosch, M. Rosés – Relationships between ET polarity and composition in binary solvent mixtures, J. Chem Soc. Faraday Trans. 88 (1992) 3541-3546;
- W. Taft, J.-L. M. Abboud, M. J. Kamlet, M. H. Abraham – Linear solvation energy relations, J. Solut. Chem. 14(1985) 153-186;
- Catalán – Toward a generalized treatment of the solvent effect based on four empirical scales: dipolarity (SdP, a new scale), polarizability (SP), acidity (SA), and basicity (SB) of the medium, J. Phys. Chem. B 113 (2009) 5951-5960;
- M. Kosower – The effect of solvent on spectra. I. A new empirical measure of solvent polarity: Z-values, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 80 (1958) 3253-3260;
- Reichardt, Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003.