Assoc. Prof. PhD habil. Dan Gheorghe DIMITRIU – Topics for doctoral school admission

Topics for doctoral school admission:

  1. Intermolecular forces in liquids
  2. Abe’s model for binary solutions
  3. Models for ternary solutions (statistical cells model for ternary solutions, Suppan’s model, Bosch-Rosés model)
  4. Solvent empirical scales (Kamlet-Abboud-Taft scale, Catalán scale, Kosower’s Z-scale, ET(30) and ETN scales)
  5. Investigating methods in liquids using ultrasound (propagation of ultrasound waves in liquids, Rao’s law, absorption of ultrasound waves in liquids)


  1. Dorohoi, Fizica stării lichide, Ed. Gama, Iași, 1994;
  2. Babușcă – Contribuții la studiul interacțiunilor intermoleculare în medii condensate, teză de doctorat, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2017;
  3. Suppan – Local polarity of solvent mixtures in the field of electronically excited molecules and exciplexes, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans 1 83 (1987) 495-509;
  4. Bosch, M. Rosés – Relationships between ET polarity and composition in binary solvent mixtures, J. Chem Soc. Faraday Trans. 88 (1992) 3541-3546;
  5. W. Taft, J.-L. M. Abboud, M. J. Kamlet, M. H. Abraham – Linear solvation energy relations, J. Solut. Chem. 14(1985) 153-186;
  6. Catalán – Toward a generalized treatment of the solvent effect based on four empirical scales: dipolarity (SdP, a new scale), polarizability (SP), acidity (SA), and basicity (SB) of the medium, J. Phys. Chem. B 113 (2009) 5951-5960;
  7. M. Kosower – The effect of solvent on spectra. I. A new empirical measure of solvent polarity: Z-values, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 80 (1958) 3253-3260;
  8. Reichardt, Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003.