Fundamental and Applied Research in Physics Workshop – FARPHYS 2023
Facultatea de Fizică organizează în luna octombrie 2023 conferința ştiințifică studențească Fundamental and Applied Research in Physics – FARPHYS 2023. Programul exact va fi stabilit în funcție de numărul de lucrări primite.
Propunerile de comunicări ştiinţifice vor cuprinde titlul, autorii şi un rezumat de maxim 200 de cuvinte (în limba română) şi vor fi trimise până pe data de 20 octombrie pe adresa, cu subiectul Rezumat FARPHYS 2023. În cazul studentilor de la licență şi masteranzilor, printre autorii fiecărei comunicări trebuie să se regăsească obligatoriu şi un cadru didactic/cercetător.
XXth International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications 2023
It is our pleasure to announce that the International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, a traditional meeting of the Romanian plasma community, reaches its 20th edition. The conference is organized by the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (UAIC) and the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest (INFLPR). The Conference is focused on advances in plasma fundamentals and applications aiming to provide a forum for discussion and scientific collaborations.
The 20 th CPPA will be held in Iași, Romania, from 14 to 16 June 2023.
ICPAM-15 2023
The main objective of ICPAM is to provide a forum for scientists involved in physics of advanced materials, emerging nanotechnologies, and new devices, to exchange their ideas, knowledge and experience. ICPAM-15 sessions will address recent advancements and new strategies and will include keynote, invited, oral and poster presentations that cover a wide range of hot interdisciplinary research topics. ICPAM-15 also offers a space for sponsors/exhibitors to present their services, products, innovations, and research results.
PAMS-6 is focused on providing interdisciplinary expert training, involving both fundamental knowledge and current research topics. Besides their contribution in the PAMS-6 poster session, the attendees may have a presentation in ICPAM-15.
To encourage young scientists, we offer awards for best poster and oral presentations, a special category for the best student paper and other prizes
FTEM 2023
Conferinţa „Fizica şi Tehnologiile Educaționale Moderne“ a ajuns la a 52-a ediţie și a fost organizată de Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, Facultatea de Fizică în data de 20 Mai 2023.