- Production of plasma in the laboratory. Direct current, radio frequency and microwave discharges in gases at low pressure.
- Plasma parameters and diagnostics.
- Layers of spatial charge. Ion bombardment of surfaces. Self biasing of surfaces
- Physical and chemical processes in plasma and at the surface of solid bodies subjected to plasma action.
- Surface forces (Van der Waals, electrical double layer, capillary).
- Fundamentals of atomic force microscopy. The operating principle of the atomic force microscope. Working modes.
- Measurement of surface forces using atomic force microscopy
- Methods of manufacturing materials used in nanotechnology (nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanostructured surfaces, etc.)
- Functional surfaces with applications in environment, energy and biomedicine.
- Properties and modes obtained.
- F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1984
- A. Lieberman, A. J. Lichtenberg, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, John Willey & Sons, 2005.
- N. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, Elsevier 2011.
- Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology (ed. B. Bushan) Springer, Berlin 2004, 2007.
- Biomaterials: Principles and Practices (ed. J. Y. Wong, J. D. Bronzino, D. R. Peterson) Taylor and Francis, 2013.