Școala de vară “Digital Health Technologies”

By | 11 mai 2022

Vă informăm în legatură cu posibilitatea de a participa la Școala de vară “Digital Health Technologies” în calitate de beneficiari de mobilități de practică Erasmus + de scurtă durată.

Numărul de locuri disponibile și condițiile de participare sunt descrise la următorul link: www.unibg.it/nonlinearlife.

Cei interesați sunt rugati să contacteze Coordonatorul Erasmus+ (Prof. univ. dr. habil. Liviu Leontie, lleontie@uaic.ro). Din partea Biroului Easmus+ al UAIC, responasabilul este doamna Petronela Spiridon-Ursu (petronela.spiridon@uaic.ro).


Riga Technical University and University of Bergamo invite to joint summer school “Digital Health Technologies”

On the occasion of the Patronage Agreement signed for the summer school “Nonlinear Life” by the Rectors of Riga Technical University (Latvia) and University of Bergamo (Italy) and the Ambassadors of Italy in Latvia and Latvia in Italy, we are delighted to introduce you with this year’s edition “Digital Health Technologies”.

The 5th Edition is structured as a 1-week virtual school with the unique option to add a 1-week in presence internship at Riga Technical University or/and University of Bergamo.

The calendar of the summer school is as follows:

1) Virtual school (online): 25-29 July, 2022
2) Internship at the University of Bergamo: 28 August-03 September 2022
3) Internship at Riga Technical University: 04-10 September, 2022

All information about the Summer School may be found at the following link: www.unibg.it/nonlinearlife

The summer school is open to Bachelor, Master and PhD students enrolled in programs related to health, engineering, electronics, information technologies.