Regulations for the admission to doctoral studies 2023-2024
Doctoral School admission schedule for academic year 2023-2024:
- registration of the candidates: 04-08 september;
- the exam: 11-13 september;
- posting the results: 14 september;
- appeal: 15 september;
- posting the final results: 19 september.
The exam will consist in :
– a written examination (1 subject from the 5 listed by the chosen PhD supervisor + 1 subject from General Physics) – 50%
– an oral presentation on the chosen doctoral theme (about 10 min) – 50%.
The final mark will be the arithmetic mean of the 2 marks. To be admitted as a PhD student at Physics Doctoral School, the final mark must be higher than 8.
Scheduling the tests:
- Written test: September 11, 2023, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., in L1
- Oral test: September 11, 2023, starting at 2 p.m., in L1.